We have made it to 1 month and i cant not believe how fast it has gone, and how much you have grown. Each day you amaze me on the things that you can do.
You are very much a morning person, I guess you get that from both mommy and daddy. Although mommy would love to get some morning sleep that is later than 6 am.
You are sleeping well, well when you decide to go to sleep. We have started giving you a bath between 7 and 7:30, give you a bottle right after (that mommy worked so hard to pump so daddy can feed you, and you suck it down faster than i can get it) Then we try to put you to bed.
The first day this was amazing, worked like a charm, then you slept for 4 hours, fed, then another 4 hours, then fed, then 2 hours and it was 6:50 am, so you were ready to start the day.
From then, things don't go as planned, we give you a bath, fed you a bottle, pat you and you are wide awake. Daddy did his first night of trying to put you to bed, he was so surprised it took over an hour to get you to be asleep enough to have you put down! (can you tell how does it more often) :)
As soon as you were born you were wide awake, looking around. Everyone was so impressed how alert you were. I could tell you wanted to see everything that was happening around you. Now you are really focusing on people and objects, you love looking at the fan and lights.
It is so nice to know that you are beginning to know who we are now, I know you knew by our voices, but now you look at us and smile!!
Today is Sunday March 14, 2010. While you were in your best mood (in the morning) I was making silly faces with you, and you gave me the best smile ever! A BIG ONE, not just a gas smile but a real smile! It was the best feeling ever!
You had your 1 month doctors appointment this week. You are in the 50% on Height and Weight. You are now 21.5 inches, and weighing in at 9 LBS 6 OZ. You have gained 2 pounds in the first month. That amazes me. You are getting so big.
I am trying to think of anything else i need to update on, but nothing is coming to mind, Maybe because daddy has you in the computer room, and he is having a heck of a time keeping you happy, so i think my mind is not "here" Its amazing how all i can think about is your needs, and you. No longer do i get anytime for "me" but, Oh how its so worth it!
I love you with all my heart and it really amazes me on how someone could change "me" in ways i could have never imagined!
You are really the light of my life, and dont know how i ever lived with out you!
Pictures will be uploaded when i get to my other computer! This computer is crap!
Can't wait to see pictures of him a little older. He is SO cute in his newborn pictures. The cute tiny baby goes away so fast, it is so sad because they are cute and cuddly. Put pictures up sometime soon!