Friday, February 26, 2010

Birth Story!

WOW. I have been waiting a long time to sit and write this story...

I was due on 2/5/2010. I was having no real signs of labor, and on Monday the 8th my doctor set up an induction for the 11th.

On the night of the 9th and 10th i began having contractions that would get the the 5 min apart and either stop or get back to 10 minutes apart. On thursday morning around 3 am I was in true labor, I labored at home while Ryan got as much sleep as he could. I went back and forth from the bathtub to the bed, walking about the house. The contractions were getting hard to breath through and i would end up on the floor on my hands and knees, with my head on my pillow.

At 6:30 am I woke Ryan and told him to get ready we were going in. I arrived at L&D at 8:00 am. I was placed in a room, and they begin checking me in. It was 9:45 before i was checked to see how dilated I was. As of Monday i was 3 CM and 70% effaced. The doctor checked me and I was 3-4 CM dilated and 90% effaced.

I was contracting every 3-4 minutes and they were making me really uncomfortable. They started me on Pitocin at 10 am, which i was really not wanting to do. Once that kicked in things were getting a move on. I wanted to go for a natural (no meds) birth, but as strong as the Pitocin was making the contractions, they were off the charts, and every 1.5 minutes.

My birth plan did not happen, I got to 6 CM and 100% effaced and i was so tired and could not wait any longer, I took the Epidural. At first i was super sad about having to do so, but Knew i had to for myself, i was way to tired from being up for almost 3 days, i knew i would not be able to make it to pushing.

Once the epidural was in place, it took off the edge of each contraction although the pressure was insane. Each contraction still had me breathing to make it to the next.

I noticed that after the epidural that my right leg was so numb i was getting bad anxiety about it. My left leg was fine, actually i was able to feel it 100%, which made me more scared. I was laying on my left side, they had me switch sides and the babies heart rate would drop. So the left side it had to be.

An hour before pushing they turned off the epidural. I was having such bad anxiety that i needed it to be off. at 10 before 5 PM they said we were going to be getting ready to push. We waited for the baby to come a bit further down so at 5:10 PM we started pushing!

This was the hardest thing i have ever done in my whole life, I had my mom, sister and Ryan with me at this time. (birth plan was to have just Ryan) really nothing went by my birth plan. [:(]

after 1 hour 5 min, at 6:15 PM on 2-11-10 Reid Taylor Osment was born.

He was 7 LBS, 3 OZ and 21 inches long, and perfect in every way. He scored amazing and took right to the breast feeding! I think this is the only thing in my birth plan that went my way!! HAHAH

Sorry this is so long but if you have any Questions at all please ask!!


  1. Congratulations! I was wondering how you guys were doing! Hope you're recovery is going well!

  2. Congratulations! Now I want to see some pictures of the cute little guy! =) How are you recovering so far?

  3. Thank you! we are doing well! I am going to put pictures up right now!! How exciting! Recovery has been really good!
