* How far along?: 22 weeks.* Total weight gain: 6 pounds* How big is baby?: 15oz-1.1 pounds and 7.9 inches long.* Maternity clothes?: Yes.* Stretch marks?: Nope.* Sleep?: Some nights are better than others, I do keep having bad dreams. (had a dream little one had An mouth full of adult teeth at birth) HAHAH
* Best moment this week?: Seeing the baby move!.
* Movement?: Some days more than others.* Food cravings?: Nothing really.... well candy...* Labor signs?: Nope.* Belly button in or out?: Still in.* What I miss: Fitting into jeans that actually have a button and zipper.
* What I'm looking forward to: actually LOOKING Pregnant!! I still feel pretty small for 22 weeks..... * Milestone: Movement and little on is making his own antibodies this week.
Im getting better on the updates!! =)And sorry for the flash on the mirror, and how dirty it is!! hahha! oops!Well I am 22 weeks! YIPPY!As far as this week there are a few things to update on.We had a doctors appointment with a new doctor and I REALLY like her!! This is a huge relief!What she had to say about the Chlorid Plexus Cysts....... She has made us all feel so much better about these cysts. The main outcomes looks rather good. She said most of these DO go away on their own and we should know more when we get our next ultrasound. This will be in another month or so.If they are still there or bigger, then we will see Genetics and a specialist. So for now, we are still waiting!The baby.....I can feel him just about every day now! This is so exciting. Last week I was laying down and I felt a few GOOD Bangs.... and looked down and say the movement for the first time! i must say, its really kinda strange! I Called ryan over and he saw it to! He has yet to feel him kick yet, but we both saw him!!As far as weight, I have done pretty good. Im up 6 or 8 LBS im nost sure what one, so lets just go with 6!!In the last 6 weeks I have not gained 1 pound!! im pretty pround of my self, if only I could up my activity! I rode my bike this morning for 30 min and im going to try to stick with that for a while!!As far a the 22 week picture, sorry again for it being crappy. By the time I have Ryan to take a picture, I feel like crap, so Id rather do it in the morning, and im all alone then, but ya take what ya can get!
Our little man is going to be growing alot from here on out! Here is some info on the baby for this week......
"Your baby's crown-to-rump length is approximately 7.6 inches and your growing baby weighs about 12.25 ounces now! Your uterus is about 2 cm above your bellybutton and you probably feel comfortably pregnant. Your growing tummy is not yet large enough to get in the way and you should still be able to bend over and sit without much trouble. You might be enjoying your pregnancy more than ever at this point if morning sickness was an issue in the early weeks.
Your baby's body continues to grow and develop every day. The organ systems in your baby's body are becoming specialized for their particular functions. The fetal liver produces different enzymes than it will produce after delivery. The liver is responsible for breaking down billirubin, which is produced by the breaking down of blood cells. Because the life span of a fetal red blood cell is shorter than that of an adult, a fetus produces more billirubin than adults do. Billirubin passes from fetal blood to the placenta and then into your blood. Your liver helps get rid of fetal billirubin. A newborn baby that has high levels of billirubin may show signs of jaundice. Jaundiced babies have a yellowish tint to their eyes and skin and are often treated with phototherapy.
Your baby's senses are developing daily. The fetus now has a full complement of neurons in the brain and is learning about her body and surroundings through touch. Touch is one of the first senses to mature and your baby may stroke its face or feel her arms and legs.
Your blood volume has increased more to meet the demands of your pregnancy. Most of the increase is in the form of plasma, the liquid part of your blood. This has the ability to dilute your blood and give you physiological anemia, which occurs during pregnancy. The measure of blood dilution is called Hematocrit and the levels reach their lowest points this week. You should check with your doctor to make sure you are not developing more serious forms of anemia.
Your baby now shows an extremely rapid brain growth (which lasts until five years after birth).
The ovaries of female fetuses contain primitive egg cells, all of the eggs a woman will have for her entire life. The uterus of female fetuses is also fully formed."