Friday, July 24, 2009

10 Weeks!

Ok, So iv been really bad about sitting down and updating, so i have 3 weeks to update on.
Lets start with week 10!

10 Weeks 5 Days We had another Ultrasound. Everything looked good. So far i have been feeling pretty good. My emotions have been under control! This is great, Im usually an emotional person, but really i have done a good job keeping things calm.

We started taking pictures this week of the belly, Well not yet a belly, more like a bloat. My clothes are a little tight, some days are better than others!

Our next appointment is for the NT scan, this will be at 12 weeks.
Here is what the NT scan is if you are not sure. It is an optional testing.

"This is a collection of fluid under the skin at the back of a baby's neck at 10-14 weeks that can be measured using ultrasound. All babies have some fluid, but in many babies with Down's syndrome, the nuchal translucency (NT) is increased.

An NT ultrasound is a method of assessing whether your baby is likely to have Down's syndrome. It's a screening test. A screening test can only estimate the risk of your baby having Down's, as opposed to a diagnostic test, such as CVS or amniocentesis, which will give you a definite diagnosis (but also carries a small risk of miscarriage).

The NT ultrasound can't tell for certain whether your baby is affected. However, it can help you decide whether or not to have a diagnostic test. In many cases, it is offered along with blood tests to determine fetal risk for certain abnormalities."

So this is going to be done at the next(which is today)and because we are young and have no family history Im sure we will be ok. If something comes back abnormal, we will love this baby no matter what.

Here is our baby and a belly picture to start with.

According to
Our baby is a PRUNE!
Baby's now the size of a prune!
With bones and cartilage starting to form and vital organs beginning to function, baby is making major progress. Body length will almost double in the next three weeks, and arm joints are now working. (Soon, legs will start working too.)

SO I lied! The belly pic will be posted later today, when i update you on the NT scan. I will have the 10 week and 12 week pictures, we missed the 11 week belly pic! Sorry!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for an update Kim! I was starting to lose faith. =) Sounds like things are going well for you so far. I am down to the wire now, 5 weeks to go (hopefully less =). Things will be super crazy for me until then I am sure, but we need to get together sometime soon!
